(Dansk version)

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Introduction to the element “Case”

Cases in DocuNote are set up based on two fundamental principles. One case template (meta-form design) and one case setup (structure, rights, associated templates, etc.). In DocuNote, each different case type is assigned one meta-form design and one case setup. This makes it possible to handle multiple case processing procedures within the same DocuNote client.

When creating a new case type, the case's meta-form is used, where the metadata to be associated with the case is registered, for example, which party the case concerns and a description of the case.

Metadata can be pre-filled, for example, a user selection field can be filled with the current user's name. It is also possible to sum several whole and decimal number fields in a formula field.

Creation of a new case. Cases can also be created with the right-click menu


Menu items are only active if the user has permission to create cases in the area.

A case can be created in connection with the journaling of a new document from the Office suite


When the user chooses to create a new case, a guide appears for the cases that the user is authorized to create.

On the left side of the screen, the cases that the user is authorized to create are displayed. On the right side, the cases that the user last created are shown.


Cases can have different metaform designs (case cards), depending on the type of case. When the correct case type is selected, the case's metaform design opens. Here, the desired metadata for the case is filled out.

An example of a metaform design (case card)


Several open cases With this case view, the user can have several cases open at the same time

Create When the case needs to be created, the user can either click on the "save icon" or close the case with the escape key and press save

In the case setup for the case type, the subfolder and document structure is defined, which – unlike MS Explorer – is not limited to a path length of 260 characters. This means in practice that a very deep structuring of subfolders is supported. Standard documents can be created, which are maintained in the DocuNotes template library, and are automatically created together with the case, in selected subfolders. This ensures a higher use of document templates in the organization, thereby increasing efficiency.

Permissions can be set on the case type itself (who can use this case type) and on the subfolders created within the case. This way, the customer can grant limited access to a group of users, to one or more specific subfolders in a case type. Permissions on an object in DocuNote are inherited by default from its "parent," i.e., the parent case or subfolder.

Setup of case types as seen by system administrators with access to creation and maintenance of case types


Rights Rights for the case are set up here. Consideration is given to who should have access to the specific case type. Users who do not have access to the case cannot see it

Case Numbering

The numbering of cases is defined with a mask, so for example, the year can come first followed by a unique running number. The numbering can vary from case type to case type. The number is set up via a mask {yy} for the year and $ for the sequential number, which is reset every year. This means that a case can have the number 14/102, which is case number 102 from 2014. Case types can share numbering sequences or have their own.

A case can always be retrieved via the unique number, whether it has been reclassified, is open or closed.

Case Status

Standard case statuses can be: open, on hold, or closed. The system administrator at the customer can define more statuses and choose which statuses should be available for the individual case. Case status is used to give the user a better overview, can be used in searches, and to start different workflows.

By default, a case is active upon creation.

Case Parties

Case parties are linked to the address book, where the addresses are in a fixed format, similar to the Outlook address directory. If a case party is not in the system, the party can be manually created.

Addresses can be created in address lists and divided into companies and individuals. Individuals can be associated with one or more companies.

The address book handles foreign addresses by default with, for example, 5-digit postal codes and a field for the country.

The address book can also be synchronized with external party registers, often this is the customer's financial system.

When sending emails, the user can choose to email the case parties, whereby a list of the parties and their email addresses is displayed in a guide, making it quick for the user to send emails to one or more parties.

Here is an overview of the parties associated with the case. It is also possible to select an email template with merge fields


Activity List

Documents saved in the case or the case's subfolders are automatically linked to the case. Each case shows an activity list that displays all events/activities that have occurred in the course of the case.

Activity List


Single Cases

DocuNote allows for the use of the single case concept and the attachment of cases for the user. For example, if there is a primary case with the forced dissolution of XYZ, and other related cases occur, they can be linked together.

Example of a case with subcases according to the concept of a single case.


References are visible in a field on the case card and function as links to the other cases. The references are also displayed in the tree as sub-cases with a shortcut icon. To the user, it will appear as though the case is directly under the current case, and as if all document folders and documents appear under the main case. The rights follow the set rights on the individual case and the individual document. If a case is refiled, the connection is preserved.

References can be made at both the case and document level.

Case Responsible

By default, the creator is the case responsible, where users have the option to change this, both at creation and later. If more than one user is desired as responsible, this can be created as an additional field via system administrator design.

Workflows and tasks can be created in connection with the creation and handling of cases, read more under the Workflows section.

Cases - Assign/change status

Cases - Assigning location information to cases

Cases - Change case type

Cases - Copy case

Cases - Create new case

Cases - Create shortcuts

Cases - Download as Zip

Cases - Editing case properties

Cases - Lock cases and documents

Cases - Move case

Cases - Reports

Cases - Search for case