(Dansk version)
A case status describes the case's current state - for instance, awaiting, active, closed or locked. By default DocuNote offers a number of case statuses that can be assigned to files. In addition to the default statuses, it is possible to create custom statuses. For details, see Documents and cases - statuses (Administrator guide)
A case's status can be changed in the following ways:
- On the case's Properties form;
- Via context menu.
Assigning/changing status on the file's Properties form
- Open the case's Properties form.
- Select the desired case status in the system field Case status.
- Save the changes.
⚠️ Please note:
- This method requires that the system field Case status can be found on the case metaform (see Metaforms designer)
Assigning/changing status by right clicking the case
Right-click the case, hover the mouse over Change status and select the desired status.
💡 Tips:
- It is also possible to assign/change a case's status via a shortcut to the case. (See Cases - Create shortcuts for more about case shortcust.)
- It is possible to assign/change the status of a number of cases at once by selecting the cases in the explorer panel (fx by holding shift while left clicking different cases) and then using the right-click method for assigning/changing status.