(Dansk version)
Add new Web-User
⚠️ Please Note:
- To work with users in DocuNote, you must have the "Manage Users" module role.
Navigate to a local group and press Create web-user in your ribbon bar. Alternatively, you can right-click on the group and select Create web-user from the menu.

On the first General tab, insert the contact information, where the following fields are mandatory:
- First name
- Last name
- Username (created automatically from First name and Last name)
If the user is to be able to receive mail and two-factor authentication, the following must also be completed:
- Phones (set check mark in the primary)
- E-mail (set check mark in the primary)

💡 Tip:
- Remember to put a check mark in which phone number and email address should be "Primary”.
- Switch to the Account tab, and enter the necessary user account information:
- Check mark in "Access via Web portal" and/or Check mark in “Access via DocuNote Mobile”
- Create login name under "Account"
- Create "Password" and repeat (if necessary, put a tick in "Force the user to change the password at the next login") - alternatively, you can send an activation link under "Portal”

Portal - Send activation link
When "Access via Web portal" is ticked, "Portal" is activated, where there are 2 options:
- Send activation link is used for a newly created web user, so that the user can set a password themselves
- Reset your DocuNote password is used for a web user who has already set a password, but the user wants to set a new password themselves
💡 Please note:
- If Send activation link is inactive (grayed out), it is because you have set a password and clicked “Save”
- If Reset your DocuNote password is inactive (grayed out), it is because a password has not been set yet
Click on "Portal"
Select "Send activation link"
Outlook now opens with a new email that is ready to be sent. The email contains the set activation email by default, but you can also change the email before sending.

The activation link will be sent to the user's primary email address, and the link is active for 24 hours after it is sent to the recipient.
💡 Please note:
- In case the Portal is not visible - until DocuNote version 6.9, you will need to check if Adress book Setting “(345) Display Welcome letter button” is configured to YES - which means it will be visible and available. See Address book for more details.
- When you use the "Portal" functions: Send activation link and Reset your DocuNote password, a new Outlook e-mail with standard content will be opened and you must press "Send" from your Outlook e-mail.
Edit the Activation Email Message
In case you want to change the text for the standard email, that is send by “Send activation link”, you can do this through the Label editor in the administration panel.

Please note:
Use the following Steps to locate the label:
- Go To Administration
- Select the Label Editor
- Search for the Label “ You have been created on the DocuNote”
- Select the Search Result Label
- Click Edit
- Select the Language you want to edit the message - A good tip is to copy the standard “Label” by doing a CTRL+C
- Click Edit and Paste (CTRL+V) the Standard Label into the text box and edit the message to the desired format.
This way you ensure to have the correct links and tags attached to the message
- Click Save