(Dansk version)

When you start DocuNote client, two lists of items are accessible to you. To the left of the window are displayed the recently used cases you opened. To the right - recently modified documents, respectively.


Please find the descriptions of the useful options on the top of the list in the table below.


<aside> ⚠️ Please note: Value of the General setting The number of Documents and Cases affects the number of items shown on the start page. This value also limits the number of items filtered using View. If, after filtering the view, you don't see the item you are looking for, try changing the setting or using the Search.

Learn more about DocuNote Basic Modules - Search

Learn more about General settings


Option Description
Locate case/document Redirects to the parent case/document in the explorer panel.
Remove item Removes an item from the list of displayed cases/documents.
Clear list Clears up the history of accessed items in DocuNote.
Preview Displays a preview of the selected document in place of the case list.
Note: Preview button moves in the lower right part of the explorer when you navigate from start page to a particular location.
View Allows you to filter cases and documents by the following criteria:

Most recently used - displays cases which you have recently handled. It is the default view. • Most frequently used - displays cases which you often handle. • My cases – displays cases in which you are specified as Responsible person. • Department cases - displays cases which contain departments you are belonging to. • Favourite cases – displays cases marked as favourites.

Most recently used - displays documents which you have recently handled. It is the default view. • Most frequently used - displays documents which you often handle. • My drafts - displays documents with a draft version. • Being edited by me - displays documents which have been recently edited by you. • Favourite documents – displays documents marked as favourites. • Document format – filters documents by specific document format.

Tip: When applying a view that's different from default, its name will be marked in red. |

<aside> 💡 Tips:
