(Dansk version)


You can easily create an Outlook task from the document or the case inside DocuNote. This way, you can merge some useful data into the task, like the references to document title, document number or other metadata. Along the with task, the DNO shortcut will be generated allowing user to locate the document or the case the task is based on.

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Please note:


Uploading templates to DocuNote

To upload task templates to DocuNote (Made in and saved to local location from Outlook), follow the next steps:

  1. Click the DocuNote tab, and then click Templates*.*
  2. Navigate to the Outlook tasks folder.
  3. In the organization tree on the left, right-click on the Outlook tasks and select Create > Template*.*

  1. Click the Browse... button to locate a template you want to upload.
  2. Provide the template with a Name.
  3. Select Document Type you want to associate this template with.
  4. When done, click OK.