(Dansk version)

Creating a form

To create a new form:

  1. Click DocuNote, and then click Metaforms designer*.*
  2. Create a new form in one of the following ways:

Start designing your form by defining form properties (see section “Defining form properties” ) and placing fields on the form (Managing Fields) .

When done, click Save.

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Defining form properties

On the Form Designer, use the panel located rightmost to adjust the form attributes.

The following properties can be applied:

Property Description
Height and Width The size of the form in pixels.
Please note:

Please note:

Please note: Form names should be unique throughout the form database. | | Show documents (available for Case form) | If set Yes, the Document tab will be available on the Properties dialog box. | | Show notes | If set Yes, the Notes tab will be available on the Properties dialog box. | | Taxonomy (available for Document and Case orm) | Defines a node in taxonomy tree which will be a root for taxonomy picker on the form. | | Tool tip | Hover text that is diplayed when the user moves the pointer over the form. | | Cancel button caption* | Allows you to replace the default Cancel label with any of your choice. | | Save button caption* | Allows you to replace the default Save label with any of your choice. |