DocuNote helps you classify and process your documents and cases by categorizing them into document categories and case types, respectively. You can use document categories and case types to define a unique metaform design, set the rules for merging data, index items by their specific metadata, etc.
Case type setup
To create a new case type:
- Click on DocuNote to acess backstage panel, and then click System Setup*.*
- On the ribbon bar, click the Case type icon. Alternatively, you can right click the Case types node in the navigation tree and select Create from the context menu.
- Check the options in the table below. When done, save your changes.
Option |
Description |
Name |
Name of the case type. |
Metaforms design |
Metaforms design to be associated with this case type. For example, you might want to set a custom layout of metadata for specific documents. For details about creating metaform design, see ‣ |
MS Office profile |
MS Office profile to be linked with this case type. MS Office profile is a powerful tool for retrieving system or custom values from database and setting up their relation to document office properties. This is extremely helpful when merging data to documents. For details, see ‣ section. |
Case number series |
Sets a unique number of certain format to cases of this case type. For details, see ‣ |
Allow case number editing |
Defines whether the case number could be modified or read-only. |
Please note:
- If the Case number series option is set to 'Manual', the case number is always editable.
- The module permission 'Change case number' should also be activated in order to change case number. |
| Document number series | Sets a unique number of certain format to documents under this case type, define the ‣ |
| Taxonomy | Organizes cases of this case type into class hierarchy system created on your own. For details, see ‣ |
| Context menu | Applies custom context menus across DocuNote. These custom menus will be available only for cases of this case type. For details, see ‣ |
| Menu in properties | Applies custom menus in Properties form. These custom menus will be available only for cases of this case type. For details, see ‣ |
| Menu on case panel | Applies custom menus in Ribbon bars. These custom menus will be available only for cases of this case type. For details, see ‣ |
| View name pattern | Defines how the case name is displayed in the explorer or other lists. For details, see ‣ |
| Create name pattern | If specified, the Case name field will be automatically filled in with specified system or custom field during Create case wizard. You can use the field names and plain text when defining this pattern. Note, the fields you specify in this pattern should be present on case's metaform. For details, see ‣ |
| Archive documents in cases | If you have the State Archiving module activated, you can enable the archiving options for documents of this case type. |
| Initial case status | Defines the default case status that will applied to newly created cases based on this case type.
If set, this option overrules the case status property "Set status when the case is created". |
| Discard conversation | Let you choose which “conversation discarding code” you wish to affect this type of cases.
If empty no discarding will occour.
Read more here ‣ |
| Enable statuse filtering | By selecting the Enable statuses check box, you can filter what statuses will be available when assigning/changing the status (‣) for items based on this case type. |
| Icon | Allows you to define a custom icon for the case type.
Please note: Learn more ‣)
Please note: Custom icon defined in this field will be overruled by the icon defined by case status. Learn more. |
| Description | This field allows you to set a description for this case type. The description will be visible when you hover over the cases with the mouse while creating a new case |
| Template folders and template documents | Allows you to create the folder structure (consisting of email, agenda, document, and media folders) that will be automatically generated inside the case of this case type.
- All template folders are visible here for the users disregard of their permissions.
- Learn more on Template roles manual page. |
| Case templates | You may have the case templates defined under Case templates area. Later, when initiating document creation procedure inside the case of the specific case type, the list of suggested templates will be available to you. For details, see ‣. By selecting Limit to added check box, you can restrict the user to use only defined templates. |
| Document categories for document registrations | Defines which document categories will be available during creation of the document registration. Marked Limit to added checkbox limits the list of available categories according to selected from the list. |
| Available reports | If you want to create the structured report on your case, make sure the report template is attached under Available reports area. For details, see ‣ |
| Column view | Defines the custom column view for cases and their nested document folders of this case type. |
| Sorting order | Defines the order of sorting for items inside the case type. Default value is Ascending. |
| Background color | Allow you to define background color for the case of the current type. Default color is white. |
⚠️ Please note:
- Case type can always be changed on case properties (Sager - Rediger sagens egenskaber ) form.
- If you want to restrict access to the case type, click the Permissions icon on the toolbar. Then, follow the Permissions wizard. If the Permissions icon is unavailable, check if Check permissions for case type is enabled under Settings page.
Rollout option is used to apply current structure of the particular case to all cases of the same type.
While case creation, navigate to Template folders and template documents section.
In order to define template folder structure, navigate to the System Setup. Open the Properties form of the appropriate case.
Expand the Add button and select the appropriate item.