Every committee should include members or stakeholders.
A member can be selected from the list of active DocuNote users.
Stakeholder can be added as a separate user or as a group. Stakeholders are not provided with the Agenda member functions and E-mail notification options.
To add member and stakeholders to the committee, on the committee's Properties form navigate to the Members tab and click Add member or Add stakeholder on the toolbar.
Provide each member or stakeholder with the access status for the agenda item. For more information, see Creating agenda items (1. 1. Dagsorden - Arbejde med dagsordenspunkter).
The following access statuses are available:
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Only users registered in DocuNote could be added as members. Stakeholder can be added as a user or group.
To add members and stakeholders to the committee, one should have the 'Committee administrator' agenda role or the 'Agenda administrator' module role being activated.
When adding members and stakeholders, you have the following options:
If you make any changes on the members/stakeholders properties, then you must expect to wait up to 15 minutes before you can see the changes.