Contains a simple web player that allows users to playback the videos that are uploaded to a given media folder.
- Title - specifies the main title of a webpart;
- Subtitle - specifies the subordinate title of a webpart. (Title of a part);
- Alternative title - specifies the alternate title of a webpart. Often in another language;
- Picture 1 - specifies the picture 1 that is used in the header;
- Picture 2 - specifies the picture 2 that is used in the header;
- Picture 3 - specifies the picture 3 that is used in the header;
- Width - specifies the width of a webpart;
- Height - specifies the height of a webpart;
- Top margin - sets the top margin of the webpart;
- Right margin - sets the right margin of a webpart;
- Bottom margin - sets the bottom margin of a webpart;
- Left margin - sets the left margin of a webpart;
- Webpart design - specifies the layout the control is based on;
- Content template - specifies the layout for webpart's content;
- Header template - specifies the layout for the header;
- Autoplay next video - automatically loads the next video in the list;