Search by exact or partial number

Each document and case has a unique identification number applied according to number series set (Documents and Cases - Number series for documents and cases). You can search using an exact match or match using a partial number. If the partial number is used, the search will return the list of all items that match any part of the number. If the exact match is used, the searched item is located in the navigation tree. If the symbol * is placed before the partial number, the system will stop searching after the first match and will locate this first matched item in the navigation tree.

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Example Description
D123123 Searches for the exact number and locates the item in the navigation tree.
D123 Returns the list of all items that match any part of the number.
*D123 The first item that matches the part of the number is located in the navigation tree.

One-word search

If you search using one keyword, the search will run against all instances - titles, authors and text content - that match the word.

Example Description
Manager Returns the list of all items that include the word "manager".

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Phrase search

If you search for a complete sentence, the search function will search all the words that the phrase contains and not the sentence as a whole. However, if you put the sentence in inverted commas, the search will return the items where the whole phrase occurs.

Example Description
"development plans 2011" Returns the list of all items that include the phrase "development plans 2011".